7 Ways to Grow Your Hairs
1. Wooden comb



4.Sulphate free shampoo 

5. Conditioner 

6. Trimming

7. Eat healthy

1:Wooden comb

 Which kind of comb are you using is very important to understand. Plastic combs are dangerous to your scalp. Through them right now and shift into a wooden comb. Benefits of wooden comb: 

I) It enhances blood circulation in your scalp. 

II) It distributes oil throughout hair. 

III) It prevents breakage. 

IV) It prevents hair loss. 

V) It prevents dandruff. 

VI) It prevents allergies. 


 Oil your hair at least once a week. Oil provides your scalp with sufficient nutrients that promote hair growth. Following oils are best for growth: 

I) Rosemary oil 

II)Mustard oil

III) Castor oil 

IV) Almond oil 

V) Olive oil 


 It increases blood flow that ultimately contributes to hair growth. You can message your hair using your finger, avoid touching nails with your scalp. You can also message using electronic tool. 

4:Sulphate free shampoo


Harmful chemicals in many brands cause irritation in your scalp. Sulphate makes your hair super dry and frizzy. Avoid shampoos beautiful smells, there are chemicals. Read description carefully before buying shampoo. 


 Your hair needs moisture after washing. When you notice frizzy hair means you are not proving enough moisture to your hair. 

Types of conditioners: 

I) Organic conditioners 

II) Inorganic conditioners 

III) Washable conditioners 

IV) Leave in conditioners 


 Get your trims done after every month. Wait, don’t be scared, you are not cutting all your ends, just split ends by rolling your hair and then noticing the crimpled ends. If you want to read complete method of trimming, click below (….......) 

7:Eat healthy

  Adding some struggle to your belly is also very important for growth. Eat nutrient full diet to get healthy hair. You diet should contain: 

I) Biotin 

II) Protein 

III) Fats 

IV) Vitamin D 

V) Vitamin E 

VI) Vitamin b3

VII) Zinc 

VIII) Iron

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